Morgan Solis, author of The Backrooms

Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre?

I chose to write in the horror genre because it has a lot of potential in my opinion. Many people think of slashers or jump scares as the epitome of horror, but horror can mean so much more, and so many different things to different people. Psychological horror is fascinating to write particularly because what is normal to me, could send chills down someone else’s spine, and vice versa.

What are some day jobs you have held?

My first job was a gymnastics coach for kids ages 2-12, those were some high energy days! I was a gymnast in my childhood to teenagerhood, so that sparked that specific job interest.

After that, I worked at a bilingual academy for kids before the pandemic, then finished university online after quitting that job.

Currently, I am an Art Appraiser and I love it! (When I’m not writing or making music that is.)

How do you think you’ve evolved creatively?

I think I used to care too much how things would be perceived in my writing, so I held back. Now, if something feels “right” to me, I add it in. If it feels “forced”, then I do not.

Do you work with an outline or plot sketch, or do you prefer to let a general idea guide your writing?

I generally just start writing and see what happens. I then look over it and break it up into chapters and decide what I want the climax/plot to be. It’s a mess, but it always works out in the end.

How do you feel about indie/alternative vs. traditional publishing?

I love the idea of creating whatever you want. There is so much freedom with indie publishing and it has helped me feel unique as an author. I wish it had more assistance similar to traditional publishing, but I stand firm in my self-publishing route. I would not dare sacrifice my story, or ending, for a big publishing company. It would lose a bit of soul and personality.

What made you decide to sit down and actually start writing this book?

I was exploring an empty part of a building in a nearby city, and the empty part of that building felt very “off.” I can’t describe it. I had only heard of the backrooms online, but never got super into the video game or video/lore. Instead, I made this book about Nancy (the protagonist) and her version of the backrooms. Instead of monsters and science-fiction, the villain is more on a psychological level.

If your book was made into a movie, who would you cast? 

Quintessa Swindell as Nancy.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

I enjoyed finishing up my schoolwork so I could write it in the evenings. I would lock myself in my room and just write for hours. The book itself only took 2 months to complete. It came out naturally to me.

I enjoyed making myself creeped out, or knowing what the readers’ reactions would be. That kept me going.

What is your next project? 

 Likely a poetry book with unique illustrations.

If you couldn’t be an author, what would your ideal career be? 

I compose piano arrangements, so doing more of that for a living would be amazing.

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