Jordan Broody, author of Arkonus

What inspires you to write?

My main driving factor in writing this was my undying love for epic science fiction. I grew up on Star Wars and Star Trek, loving what creativity they brought to my childhood. From there I would constantly find myself creating my own universes in my head and therefore put the pen to paper making it come to life. 

Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre?

I think that science fiction is a limitless genre which you can create amazing things with. Growing up and enjoying this creative pathway inspired me to make an epic universe of my own that takes a little from each subgenre that I loved so much. From the ground up you can create truly original content and really let the imagination run wild.

Are you a full-time or part-time writer and how does that affect your writing?

For my day job, I am in sales, and at home a father and husband. It is hard to make everything work together but at the end of the day, you do what you’re passionate about. This makes me a part-time writer, which makes things difficult since you need to provide and there is only so much time in a day.

What have you written so far?

I have written all three Arkonus books, and now I am in the process of editing and modifying them to try and release as soon as possible. My goals are to complete this project and then move on to the next one, which will revolve around a dark fantasy genre.

How do you feel about indie/alternative vs. traditional publishing?

I have experience in self-publishing, which makes it easy for any author to get their name out there. I believe that traditional publishing is the end goal since you can get your book out into the physical world much better. In terms of digital content, I have been able to launch a website with music, art, and the location of my ebook which I did all myself. It is a great starting out point for anyone to try to get into in terms of publishing.

What advice would you give to aspiring authors?

Stay the course! Life can get very difficult and writing can sometimes feel hard to accomplish and procrastination steps in. The best advice would be is to stay consistent, even if it’s just a little bit a day you can accomplish. The greatest travesty is unused talent.

Tell us more about your main character. What inspired you to develop this character?

He’s complicated and mysterious. Darius struggles with a curse deep inside him that makes it difficult in his journey, but his deepest weakness can also be his greatest strength when taking adversity head-on. He struggles with his choices but follows the path of his sacred religion, one that guides him in the darkest of nights. What inspired this character is my struggles in life, when you are at your lowest and how you were able to rise to the occasion and succeed. I wanted to convey a character that must grow and be challenged against the most difficult things possible so that in the end his accomplishments will feel incredible for the reader to find out.

What is your next project?

I have the second and third book of the Arkonus set to be released soon and then after that, I am thinking of writing a dark fantasy novel. These will all have music, art and lore to come along with them.

How do you think you’ve evolved creatively?

I believe after you get to the quarter million-word mark you begin to get into your own, finding more creative ideas along the way. The constant, writing and re-writing helped me gain more of an appreciation in the creative process. I also believe constant obsession in your work is another way you can evolve creativity. A true author, artist, etc. is their own harshest critic, thus making you grow.

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