S.W. Anderson, Author of Love By Design

Do you write full-time or part-time?

I am a part-time writer, who juggles a wife, a herd of critters, building a career and working a second job, so finding time to write can be a challenge. Mostly, I am a night owl, so as often as possible, I stay up and write into the wee hours of the morning. I also have some weekends to myself, which I tend to spend glued to my writing room for long hours at a time. But just because I am not physically writing, doesn’t mean I am not planning and plotting in my head most of the day, so it makes it easier when I do sit down to put words on paper.

What have you written so far?

I have written three novels so far, all in the LGBTQ genre, particularly lesbian romance. Two involve the journey of gunslinger Sarah Sawyer set in the 1880’s in Somewhere Between Love and Justice and The Price of Payback. The third is a modern day romance titled Love By Design.

Can you share with readers a little bit about your latest book?

Absolutely!  Love By Design follows two women, Cassie and Peyton, who seem to have everything going their way in their respective lives until Cassie’s wealthy fiancé brings Peyton in to do a renovation on their home before the big engagement party. Sparks fly, leaving both Cassie and Peyton to question everything they thought they already had. The story begs two questions: What happens when the thin veil of perfection becomes riddled with holes and would you give up your “perfect” life for a chance with someone you hardly know?

What was the hardest thing about writing your latest book?

Honestly, having the characters take the high road. They have a genuine care for one another in the book and there are so many stories on tv, movies, and literature where people just run out and cheat or say hurtful things, but not everyone handles things that way. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with those portrayals, because they are most certainly real, but I wanted to reinforce that just because something doesn’t turn out the way you planned, it doesn’t mean you have to be mean and spiteful. There are other ways to handle life’s roadblocks. While some readers did not enjoy that path, most seemed to have liked the change of pace and it is certainly the way I wish more people dealt with situations in today’s world.

What’s next?

I am currently working on a couple of ideas for my next book. One is a soul-mate/past-lives drama and the other, a dystopian-type tale. I am not sure which one will take root first, but I also have plans for another book in the Sarah Sawyer series. I am excited about that because I really love the characters and the old west.

How do you think you’ve evolved creatively?

I have only been writing a few years and in that time I have evolved quite a bit. Inspiration from songs, movies, tv, and just the drive to try new things has pushed me to writing seminars and picking the brains of successful writers whenever possible. Over time, I have learned to delve further into my character’s head and to explore the sights, sounds, feelings that they would experience as I weave their story. I feel have continued to push my limits in learning new ways to describe things and word certain phrases or actions. It has been a wonderful journey and I still have so much more to learn.

What is the biggest thing people THINK they know about your subject/genre that isn’t so?

While I can’t speak for the masses, my own personal interactions with friends and family, once I started writing lesbian fiction, is the belief that it is somehow different than any typical store bought fiction. There is no difference other than the love interest or relationships.

It is still just people trying their best to navigate life, sometimes getting thrown into wild situations or stumbling upon the love of their life.

The stories are the same, just done through a different vision. In the end, we are all people wanting to see a representation of our hopes, dreams, imaginations and fantasies, or better yet, expanding our horizons to get a look at social groups we are not familiar with. Life is all about the journey, so give all genres a shot.

What are some ways you promote your books?

I have done giveaways on Goodreads and Amazon. Mostly, I spend a good deal of time on social media promoting my books and searching out bloggers, especially Twitter. I owe much of my success to the wonderful people I have met on there from around the world, most of them thanks to the television show Lost Girl. But I have also ventured out to comic cons and into my community at Pride festivals and local bookstores. It is wonderful to speak to readers face to face, to introduce them to your product, and even more fun if we’ve already interacted on social media. The internet has a way of making the world seem even smaller when you can reach out to so many across the globe.

If there was one thing you could do to change the world, what would it be?

That’s a tough one. There are so many things… Of course peace and tolerance, but if I had to choose one, I would start by saying that I do my best to be a good person and spread the love, but when I make a mistake, I take responsibility for my actions. Also, I focus on my family and how we can have a better life rather than worrying about everyone else’s business. Those are two things I wish there was so much more of in the world and I wish I could do more to affect that change, but I can only hope that my small contribution.


How can you learn more about S.W. Anderson?

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