Meet Fantasy Author, Daccari Buchelli

When and why did you begin writing?

As a young child, I developed an intense interest in literature. I enjoyed spending time alone and found myself wanting to form different endings for some of the books that I read. From here, my passion for writing began. I would write short stories, which quickly progressed into novellas by the time I was in my early teens. For me, writing came naturally, as breathing would to any of us. There wasn’t a future I could see that did not involve writing within it. It is a fundamental part of who I am.

Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre?

Fantasy was always the genre I leaned towards as a child. They made for the best reading and always captivated me with their surprising plot twists and loveable characters. It all started with a book called Sabriel, by Garth Nix. From there I was hooked and knew that I wanted to grow up to be a Fantasy Novelist. Fantasy is limitless. There isn’t anything that you cannot make happen.

What have you written so far?

I have written novellas since I was fourteen years old, but I am the only one who possesses print copies of these, except perhaps for my wonderful Aunt, who has supported me endlessly on my literary journey. I have so far professionally published my recent Dark Fantasy Novel for Young Adults, entitled Sweet Surrender. I am currently working on its sequel, which should be completed around the start of next year.

What advice would you give to aspiring authors?

My advice, above all, is to never give up. If you have a dream, make it happen. If you want to write in a certain genre, then do your very best. Study hard, for there is always so much more to learn. Try and remember not to force your ideas to come to you. Be patient, for therein lies the road to success. Let your passion, as well as your characters, guide you on the right path.

Can you share with readers a little bit about your latest book?


Young Violetta lives on the magical island of Peradon, whose four realms struggle to sustain a crumbling alliance. Coming of age and forced to forfeit her one chance at freedom, the young Flame Mage finds herself drawn to the seemingly charming Emperor Ryore, a dark and somewhat mysterious figure. Violetta is no stranger to loss. Neither is the fierce Emperor. Both will go to the ends of the Earth to achieve their goals. Unknown to Violetta, a secret threat lurks in the shadows, waiting to ambush her at every turn. She will soon find herself faced with a grave choice; will she surrender her will forever, or choose the path that will finally deliver her to the freedom she desires?

What one person from history would you like to meet and why?

I have always admired Edgar Allen Poe. His works are fascinating and so exquisitely crafted. He possesses a dark sense of passion that blossoms into life on the pages of his books. Every time I read him, a shiver runs up my spine with the delicious thrill of his one of a kind talent.

What do you like to read in your free time?

I mostly like to read fantasy novels, such as the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, or crime thrillers, such as the Richard Castle book series. I love a good mix in my reading list.

Daccari Buchelli book cover

How can readers discover Daccari and his work?

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3 responses to “Meet Fantasy Author, Daccari Buchelli”

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